Why would you need a locksmith rekey your vehicle? Well, has this ever happened to you that you’re fishing or hunting and accidentally drop your keys to the bottom of the lake or lose them in the woods. Or you’re shopping with some friends, and your handbag gets stolen with your car keys inside.

Worst case scenario, you get ready to leave for work in the morning and discover someone has broken into or vandalized your car.

Good Lock locksmith of Virginia Beach, VA understands your frustration, which is why you can count on them to provide fast and professional service. How can they help? Keep reading to find out how your local locksmith can rekey your vehicle.

First, some scenarios only require a new key to be cut. A professional locksmith can make a new key for your vehicle using the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Of course, you will also need to provide proof of ownership. With that information, the locksmith can then obtain the key code.

Once the locksmith has the key code, they can program that information into a key cutting machine. The machine uses the code to cut the key. Once the machine cuts the key, some manual cutting may still need to take place.

Locksmith Rekey

You may think you’re all set to hit the road again once the key is cut. But it’s not that simple. Your vehicle then needs to be re-programmed to recognize the key, or it may not start the car.

Having a new key cut is a good solution for lost keys. But, what if you’re not sure where you lost your keys and are worried about vehicle security? Or the previously mentioned situations where the keys were stolen or your car was vandalized? In those scenarios, you will need a locksmith rekey your car.

There are two ways that a locksmith may rekey your auto. One method involves removing the lock and re-arranging the tumbler pins, and then making new keys to fit the new configuration. This process keeps the original lock pins, tumblers, and wafers.

The other method uses a car rekey kit. These kits use new wafers, springs, and other pieces to completely replace your existing lock configuration.

If you need a new key fob for your rekeyed vehicle, your locksmith can help you with that as well. More modern cars require specialized equipment from a dealership or professional locksmith to program key fobs.

Now that you know that you will need to call a locksmith for key replacement or rekeying your car, how do you know who to contact? Here’s what to consider when looking for a locksmith:

Choose a Licensed Locksmith

The state of Virginia requires that all their locksmiths are licensed. Professional locksmiths must have 18 hours of 25E – Locksmith Entry-Level training certified by the state’s Department of Criminal Justice System. Additionally, the locksmith must be fingerprinted and pass a criminal background check. Furthermore, look for a locksmith that’s a member of the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA). The ALOA ensures the professionalism and ethics of all members.

Choose a Local Locksmith

Many locksmiths may have a local listing, but the calls are actually routed to a nationwide call center. From there, they may dispatch a locksmith that doesn’t have the training or offer the specialized services that you need. Running an internet search or confirming the address in the ad will usually indicate if the locksmith is local.

Check to see What Services the Locksmith Provides

If you need your vehicle rekeyed, then you want a locksmith who specializes in automotive services. You will also want to be sure that they can work on your car’s make and model. You will also want a locksmith who offers 24-hour emergency service.

Make Sure Your Locksmith is Insured and Bonded

When you are looking for a locksmith, look for one who is insured and bonded. Insurance covers the locksmith and your vehicle if there is any damage. A bonded locksmith will reimburse you for any damage that may occur.

If you’re looking for a locksmith in Virginia Beach, VA, then Good Lock Locksmith is your best choice for professional and reliable locksmith services. In business for over ten years, Good Lock is certified by the ALOA.

Good Lock is available 24 hours a day, and with their fully loaded vans, an automotive locksmith can be at your side in 20 minutes. They service several makes and models such as Toyota, Honda, Cadillac, Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Dodge, Jeep, Subaru, Infiniti, Nissan, Mazda, and GMC, to name a few.

Good Lock is always ready to serve the people who live and work in their community and offer a 10% discount to military personnel and senior citizens. And, with their experience and reliability, they will be the only locksmith you will ever need.

Call us at 757-755-0605 or email locksmith@good–lock.com for your free estimate today.

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